#Kim Tiddy
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Information about The Bill for use in fan fictions or anything similar. (aka: how I found out there's a character limit on Tumblr) This will be edited, please feel free to comment anything you want adding or editing.
Part 2
Nicknames for the police/officers:
The Old Bill, Bizzies (busybodies or 'too busy to help'), Feds, Bluebottles, Coppers, Bobbies, Rozzers, Peelers, The Filth, The Fuzz, Dibble (Officer Dibble from Top Cat), Pigs, Plod, Plonk (Person Of Limited Or No Knowledge), The Thin Blue Line, Bacon ("Can you smell bacon?") "The Babylon" (Jamican slang), Boys In Blue, Hawaii 5-O, Woody/Woodentops, The Scum, PoPo, The Law, Gammon.
In the earlier series, CID would refer to Uniform as Woodentops and Woodentops would refer to CID as Superstars.
Community Support Officers: CHIMPS (Completely Hopeless In Most Policing Situations), Hobby Bobby, Plastic Policeman,
Police Lingo, acronyms and abbreviations
ABE: Achieving Best Evidence - recording a victim of serious sexual assault on video for their first statement so it can be played in court to show how they were/the state they were in and try and limit the victim having to be there in person/cross examined etc.
ABH: Actual Bodily Harm
AMIP: Area Major Incident Pool (now Specialist Crime And Operations)
ANPR: Automatic Numberplate Recognition
AP: Agrieved Person - Victim
ARV: Armed Response Vehicle
ASBO: Antisocial Behaviour Order.
ASNT: Area Searched No Trace.
ASP: Baton
Big Red Key: The enforcer
BIU: Borough Intelligence Unit - this is where they could check facial recognition, check through CCTV and use the computers to check for suspects and find out peoples backgrounds.
BLO: Borough Liaison Officer
Blues and twos: Lights/Sirens on police cars
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch
CIB: Complaints Investigation Bureau, later DPS (Directorate Of Professional Standards)
CID: Criminal Investigation Department
CIM: Critical Incident Manager - Inspector usually who oversees all the big jobs and makes decisions to keep things rolling smoothly rather than lots of chiefs making conflicting decisions.
Civvies (normal civilian clothes - ie a PC changing for an obbo)
CO19 (Used to be SO19 - armed officers. Smithy and Max used to be CO19 officers.) Apparently now MO19!
Code 11: Off Duty
CPS: Crown Prosecution Service
CPT: Child Protection Team
Crimint: Criminal Intelligence
CRIS: Crime Report Information System
CS Spray: Sprayed at criminal resisting arrest. Temporarily makes them unable to see properly and irritates their respiratory system. to enable them to be arrested. Sometimes now called PAVA spray.
CSE: Crime Scene Examiner (was SOCO- Scenes Of Crime Officer)
CSU: Community Support/Safety Unit Now joined with DVU and called SODAIT - Sexual Offences And Domestic Abuse Investigation Team
CLO: Community Liaison Officer
D&D: Drunk And Disorderly.
DVU: Domestic Violence unit. See CSU.
ETA: Expected Time Of Arrival "ETA, 5 minutes."
FATAC: Fatal Accident
Fence: Someone who buys and sells stolen goods
FED REP: Federation Representatives. Officers trained to support officers who are accused of crimes or otherwise want to take the service/bosses on.
FIU: Financial Investigation Unit
FLO: Family Liaison Officer (supports the family members/person who is going through a horrendous time. IE: Jim when Eva's daughter when missing and Smithy to Leanne Samuels when her daughter Carly was murdered)
FME: Force/Forensic Medical Examiner (Police doctor who reviews and treats criminals (and occasionally injured staff) who have gotten hurt, have complex medical issues or who need medication)
FPN: Fixed Penalty Notice - an on the spot fine.
GBH: Grievous Bodily Harm
Grass: informing on someone who has done a crime. Handling: someone who has accepted/bought stolen items either knowingly or unknowingly dependant on circumstances.
IBO: Used in later years instead of the CAD room, the Integrated Borough Operations handled non emergency telephone calls, CCTV viewing, contacting officers and similar. The CAD room was not needed as emergency calls were answered at Scotland Yard or Hendon and then sent to the relevant IBO Operator for the borough (which would be at Bow Central Communications Command) who would then send it to Sun Hill's IBO so all information can be relayed to the officers attending. Much like CAD, the IBO has a Sgt and PC's who would monitor the CCTV and IBO computers and assign officers to calls.
IC1-6 This is how the officers described skintones when searching for suspects/victims/witnesses.IC1 is White skinned european. IC2 is Dark Skinned European. IC3 is Afro Caribbean appearance, IC4 is Asian appearance (Indian Pakistani or Bangladeshi), IC5 is Chinese or Japanese appearance and IC6 is Arabian/Egyptian appearance.
Index: Vehicle registration - spelt out phonetically
India 99: Police helicopter.
IRB: Incident Report Book (Notebook) apparently now it's a force/work phone!
IRV: Incident Response Vehicle
LIO: Local Intelligence Officer
LEO: Local Enforcement Officer
LOS: Lost or Stolen
Misper: Missing Person
MIT: Major Incident Team (Used to be Murder Investigation Team)
MP: Met Police Information Room (Scotland Yard)
NCPA: No Cause For Police Action
NCS: National Crime Squad
NFA: No Further Action
NOIP: Notice Of Intended Prosecution. You're not arrested but the police are coming to take you to court soon.
Nonce: Sexual Offender - most used for Paedophiles.
OBBO: Observation - Keeping watch on suspects
OP: Observation Point
PACE: Police And Criminal Evidence Act - The police are bound to act by all rules, objectives and codes of conduct of this act of parliament in every part of their work.
PANDA: Normal police car that's not used for pursuing other cars. That's generally left to the Area Car or an IRV.
Pimp - someone who takes money from a woman on the sex trade. Also known as living off immoral earnings.
PIT: Precision Immobilisation Technique Manoeuvre (usually they try using a stinger to burst the tiers of a car thats speeding away from the police but it's not always possible. Where the road is wide enough and no one will become endangered by it,advanced drivers who are TPAC trained can do a manoeuvre to the car they're chasing and put it into spin to stop it. It CANNOT be done to busses/trucks/motorcycles etc and it's advised to not do it to a car you fear may be carrying armed occupants but to be honest it's not a massively used thing in the UK.)
PNC: Police National Computer = Real time checks on criminal records, outstanding warrants, missing and wanted people, registration checks etc.
PolAc: Police Accident (Ie car crash or hitting a pedestrian etc when it's a police officer involved)
PR: Officers police radio.
Refs: Refreshments/break time
Ringer - A vehicle that has been made up of parts of other cars or identity changed. Sometimes called a Cut n Shut.
RJ: Restorative Justice - a criminal doing something instead of being cautioned/imprisoned - like painting over their graffiti with a new coat of paint.
RTA/C: Road Traffic Accident/Collision
Rule 43 (Now 45): Vulnerable Prisoners in a prison. Smithy endured bullying to avoid being put in this as it means segregation and would bring him more attention and also a lot of isolation. This is for prisoners who are sex offenders, mentally ill, have a target on their back for grassing or being a convicted police/prison officer etc.
RUI: Released Under Investigation - bailed but the case is still being investigated and can be rearrested at any moment. The police hate this but the government have got touchy over bailing people.
Section 59 - Anti Social Behaviour Vehicle Seizure - you've kept driving like a prat so they're taking your car.
Section 165 - Seizing a car for no insurance. Most likely to be crushed.
Shout: A call out/incident communicated over the radio.
Sierra Oscar: Sun Hill Station Call Sign
Snout: Registered informant who gets paid for giving info. NNo sometimes CHIS - Covert Human Intelligence Source or Informant.
SO10: Now Covert Operations - Undercover Policing - can be long term and go really deep undercover. Stevie used to be in this dept. Now includes Counter Terrorism.
SOCA: Serious And Organised Crime Agency
SOPO: Sex Offenders Prevention Order (useless essentially!)
SOR - Sex Offenders Register
Stretch: Prison sentence.
TIU: Telecoms Investigation/Intelligence Unit
TOA: Time Of Arrival "Show me TOA 13.23"
Tom: Prostitute
TPAC Tactical Pursuit And Containment - trained officers who bring vehicles to a stop - like boxing cars in etc.
Trojan Unit: Armed Police
TSG: Territorial Support Group
TWOC: Taking a car without owners consent
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VRN: Vehicle Registration Number
Phonetic Alphabet Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebeck, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu.
Areas Of Sun Hill/Canley Wharfs/Docks Jubilee Wharf, India Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Old Jubilee Dock & Boatyard, Masters Wharf, Dockland Pier, Skippers Wharf
Council Estates Aldbourne, Bronte, Abelarde, Antrim Green, Canley, Farley, Parkmead, Jasmine Allen, Coal Lane, Cockcroft, Whitegate, Hardie, Larkmead, Tankeray, Copthorne, Netherlake,
[The earlier series had Riverdale Estate and one of the blocks was called Elizabeth Garret Anderson]
Other Stations Barton Street (Sierra Bravo) , Spicer Street, Putney Green, Stafford Row (Sierra Charlie), Tottenham (Echo Oscar) Diplomatic Protection (Delta Papa)
[Tower Wharf mentioned in series 2]
Industrial Estates
Cheetham Road Industrial Estate
Streets Trafford Way, Loftus Road, Leermont Road, Gatley Street, Purchase Road (Red light district), Brands Square, Jamaica Lane, Larkway Street, Godwick Street, Sun Hill Road, Shadwell Street, Harlow Street, Dunsford Street, Brown Square, Victoria Road, Dorral Road, Alforn Street, Mallan Street, Ashon Street, Brim Road, Rudcus Street, Cheetam Road, Cheetham Side, Jessop Street, Halpern Street, Tallow Street, Hoxton Road, Backhouse Street/Lane, Mournemouth Street/Avenue, Rudkin Road, Bagford Street, Brunell Avenue, Askill Road, Limefield Walk, Railton Street, Canley High Street, Ida Lane, Tubbs Lane, Claydon Street, Woodley Heath Road, Ballina Road, Starkwater Road, Calico Street, Tedder Street, Greenroad Way, Greaton Road, Mooreland Road, Ibbot Street, Rudleigh Road, Westway, Abbey Road, Broom Lane, Foundry Way, Humber Street, Muston Street, Valance Street
Prisons Longmarsh
Hospitals St Hughs
Cheetam Primary/Junior School, Shad Thames Infants School, Elcott Primary,
Canley Comprehensive, Harvey Wallace Comp, Deansgate Comprehensive, Cheetam Bank,
Canley Arms, Askill Arms, Rose And Crown, The Green Archer, The Bears Head, The Elcott Arms, The Seven Bells, The White Swan, The Scales, The Grape And Bottle, The Dog And Gun, The Pikes Head, The Thames Tavern, The Pikes Head, The Tully Arms, The Boat Inn, The Tug, The Emma Hamilton, The Cock And Crown, The Sultan. Lord Banbury
North Canley Sports Center, Canley Fields, City Farm, St Ann's Church, Cheetham Community Support Center,
Earlier series
Miskin Manor High School (mentioned series 5)
Bob Cryer's youngest son attends Medway Comprehensive.
St Clements is a hospital mentioned in series 5.
FME is first called 'FME' in Bad Company (series 5) before then it is divisional surgeon.
#the bill#alex walkinshaw#dale smith#smithy#roberta taylor#gina gold#smiffina#ray steele#reg hollis#steve loxton#rod skase#jim carver#iain fletcher#tom butcher#mark wingett#jeff stewart#cass rickman#suzanne maddock#scott maslen#phil hunter#diane parish#eva sharpe#sam callis#callum stone#stevie moss#lucy speed#kerry young#beth cordingly#kim tiddy#honey harman
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is this what you want?? you sickos???
#play toxic by britney spears#helen dumptruck dubois#kim kissable kitsuragi#note helens sunburnt old-woman tiddie wrinkles#thats what they are if you were wondering#not really sunburnt but you know what i mean#youve seen it#disco elysium#harry dubois#kim kitsuragi#art#gartrud#garte#dancing queen
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They donât call him Big Matthew for nothing. He knows exactly what heâs working with and exactly how to use it to drive you crazy.
Late-night texts? You already know, heâs in bed, shirt and pants off. tight boxers slung low on his hips, one big hand palming himself through the fabric
He loves knowing what it does to you. Loves knowing that the second you see it, youâll come running. - So needy that he can't help but slide his hand in -
BM swears heâs got self-control. He really does. But when it comes to you? That shit goes out the window.
In His Dressing Room. He barely made it through the set. The rush of adrenaline leaving a buzzing feeling in his body, sweat still clinging to his skin, and his phoneâs suddenly lighting up with your name. Just a single message. Nothing but a stupid winking emoji and a screenshot of him doing a suggestive move during the concert. But Fuck... Heâs already stupidly hard. In a single moment he ditches his in-ears, turns off the lights and locks his dressing room door behind him before anyone can come looking. His hand is in his pants before he even hits send on the next message. You know exactly what youâre doing to him. And heâs gonna make sure you see just how bad it is. - Quickie in the Dressing Room -
In The Car. He was supposed to be driving straight to the hotel. But the second your voice came through the phone, soft and teasing, telling him how much you missed him, how needy you were in your bed all alone, how bad you wanted him... he knew he wasnât gonna make it. He pulls off into an empty lot, seat pushed back just enough, one hand gripping the wheel while the otherâs already slipping under his waistband. The slick, filthy sounds filling the space quickly as he gets off. - Quickie in the Drivers Seat - [BACKSHOTS]
You barely greeted him as he came through the front door before it happened.
Big hands, rough grip, your back hitting the nearest surface before his lips are on you. He's hungry, desperate, horny. He doesnât even bother with words. Just a low, guttural âFuck, I missed you.â before heâs got your legs wrapped around his waist, carrying you off to the bed.
Gentle? Not exactly...
Not after weeks of teasing, of late-night calls where he had to fist his cock to the sound of your voice instead of being inside you. Not after every picture you sent, every filthy promise you made.
Now He's cashing in.
âTold you Iâd fuck you stupid when I got back, didnât I?â His voice is punctuated by the way heâs already tugging your clothes off, already pressing you down, already making good on that promise. - BM finally getting his hands on you after being on tour - - BM Holding/touching your body as he pounds you into oblivion -
#bm kard#bm x reader#bm smut#twt links#big matthew#big tiddy committee#matthew kim#gay#gay kpop#p links#twitter links#mlm#x male reader#male reader#kard#male x male#bottom male reader#male reader smut#x reader#kpop idol x reader#kpop x reader#twitter
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Kim Velez
#big tiddy gf#beautiful areolasđ„”#big natural breasts#sexy areolas#big tiddy committee#big tiddy wife#huge natural breasts#big breasted women#massive tiddies#massive milkers#massive juggs#kim velez
229 notes
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Pairing : Namjoon x Reader
Word count : 3K
Authors note : Ik I've been focusing more on Jimin so I'm trying to write more About other Members as well BUT ITS SO HARD TO IMAGINE THEM SEXUALLY đ«. I hope I did Namjoon justice and if you like it MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!
Warning : Smut, fluffy, Dom Namjoon, explicit sexual content, oral sex (M & F receiving), multiple rounds, creampies, cum ring, un-protected sex (wrap it before you tap it y'all), sub reader, virgin reader, rough sex.
Synopsis :
"Namjoon is a smart guy but sometimes...you have to spell certain things out for him, like how you want him to bend you over backwards on his couch"
Namjoon was a smart man.
Brilliant, even.
But when it came to youâhis sweet little girlfriend, always so innocent-looking, always giving him those big eyesâ
He could be a bit dense.
Because lately?
Youâd been acting⊠different.
Dropping all these strange little comments.
Like when you sat in his lap, playing with the collar of his shirt, and murmured, "You know⊠I always imagined my first time being with someone as big as you, Joonie."
And Namjoon, sweet clueless Namjoon, just smiled and kissed your forehead, saying, "Aw, baby, thatâs sweet."
Or when you twirled your hair between your fingers and sighed, "I bet youâd feel so good inside me, JoonâŠ"
And he just patted your thigh and said, "You always say the nicest things, baby."
And thenâ
When you literally sat across from him, wearing his biggest hoodie with nothing underneath, and went, "Joonie, I want you to take my virginity."
And Namjoon froze.
His fingers tightened around his book, his jaw going slack. "âŠWait. Youâ" His brows furrowed. "You actually mean that?"
You just blinked at him. "*Joon, I have been dropping hints for weeks."
Namjoonâs brain short-circuited. "Oh."
And thenâ
It clicked.
And thenâ
His book dropped to the floor.
"Babyâ" His voice lowered, his gaze darkening in an instant. "Come here."
You bit your lip, crawling into his lapâ
And the moment you settled against him, Namjoonâs big hands gripped your waist.
"So youâre telling meâ" His fingers tightened on your hips. "Youâve been waiting for me to ruin you this whole time?"
Your breath hitched. "Yes, JoonieâŠ"
His jaw ticked. "And you just let me be oblivious this entire time?"
"Wellâ" You shrugged, toying with the hem of his shirt. "It was kinda cute how clueless you wereâ"
And thenâ
Namjoon flipped you beneath him.
You barely had time to breathe before Namjoonâs mouth was on you.
His lips crushed against yours, hot and urgent, his big hands spreading over your hips as he pulled you into his lap.
"Mmmâ!" You whimpered into his mouth, your fingers tangling in his hair. "J-Joonâ!"
"Shhh, baby." His deep voice was low, breathless against your lips. "Been teasing me all this time, hmm? Letting me be clueless while you sat here thinking about me fucking you?"
Your breath hitched. "J-Joonâ!"
He just chuckled, dark and gravelly. "Naughty little thing."
And thenâ
His hands slid under your hoodie.
"Been waiting for me to ruin you, hmm?" His lips ghosted over your jaw, his fingers dancing along the inside of your thigh. "Letâs see just how bad you need it, baby."
And thenâ
His hand slipped into your panties.
And you gasped. "J-Joonâ!"
Namjoon froze.
Because, holy fuckâ
"BabyâŠ" His voice dropped, his fingers gliding over your soft, slick heat. "Youâre so wetâŠ"
Your cheeks flamed. "Joonâ!"
He let out a low groan, his fingers teasing at your entrance. "God, babyâ" His other hand gripped your waist, keeping you still. "This all for me?"
You whimpered, your nails digging into his shoulders. "Y-Yes, Joonieâ!"
And thenâ
He pushed a finger inside.
Your whole body jerked, your head falling back against the couch. "Joonâ!"
Namjoon groaned, his lips trailing down your throat. "Oh, princessâfuckâso tightâ" His voice was wrecked, his fingers stretching you open. "Youâve been waiting for this, hmm? Letting me be clueless while you were sitting here, soaking for me?"
You could barely breathe. "J-Joonieâ!"
"Bet you were thinking about this every time I touched you." His fingers curled inside you, making you arch off the couch. "Thinking about how itâd feel when I finally fucked you openâ"
And Namjoon grinned.
"Oh, darlingâ" His voice dropped, his lips brushing against your ear. "You have no idea what you just got yourself into.â
He continued his ministration, trusting his fingers in and out until he felt her throb, âthat's right gorgeousâ come on, cum on my fingers hmmâ
And you did, your back arching against him as he kissed you.
You could barely breathe.
Your body was still shaking, your thighs trembling around Namjoonâs hand, your head thrown back against the couch.
And Namjoon?
He looked wrecked.
His lips were parted, his chest rising and falling, his fingers still buried inside you, coated in your slick.
And thenâ
He smirked.
"Oh, honeyâŠ" His voice dropped, low and raspy. "Look at you."
You whimpered, your whole body still twitching from your orgasm. "M-Moniâ!"
He let out a low groan, his free hand cupping your jaw. "Came so pretty for me, babyâŠ" His thumb brushed over your swollen lips. "But weâre not done."
And thenâ
He picked you up.
You gasped, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as he stood, lifting you like you weighed nothing.
Namjoon just chuckled, dark and gravelly, his grip tightening under your thighs. "Think Iâm just gonna let you go after that, baby?"
Your breath hitched. "Joon waiâ!"
"Oh, no, baby." His voice was low, his lips grazing over your ear as he carried you down the hall. "You wanted me to take your virginity, hmm?"
You could barely nod, your fingers clenching around his shirt. "Y-Yes, Joonieâ!"
His teeth grazed your throat. "Then Iâm gonna do it right, baby."
And thenâ
You were in his bedroom.
He dropped you onto the mattress, his big hands spreading your thighsâ
And the way he looked at youâ
Like he was going to devour youâ
And from the way he tore his shirt offâ
You knew he meant it.
Namjoon was sculpted.
Tall, broad, muscles taut under golden skin, his abs flexing as he hovered over you.
And the way he looked at youâ
Like he was going to devour youâ
Made your breath catch.
He just grinned, his fingers hooking under your hoodie. "Shhh, babyâŠ" His voice was low, dark, as he peeled it over your head. "Let me see you."
And when you were bare beneath himâ
Namjoon groaned.
"FuckâŠ" His hands gripped your thighs, his gaze raking over your body. "Youâre so fucking beautiful."
Your cheeks burned. "J-Joonâ!"
But thenâ
His lips were on you.
Trailing down your throat.
Over your chest.
Your stomachâ
Until his head was between your thighs.
Your breath hitched as he kissed your inner thigh, his big hands spreading you open.
"Oh, babyâŠ" His voice dropped, his hot breath ghosting over your slick heat. "Look at youâŠ"
And thenâ
He licked you.
Your whole body jerked, your fingers fisting the sheets. "J-Joonâ!"
He just groaned, his hands tightening on your thighs. "Oh, baby⊠you taste so fucking good."
And thenâ
He buried his face in you.
His tongue fucked into you, hot and sloppy, his lips wrapping around your clit and sucking until you were screaming.
His arms locked around your thighs, holding you down as you thrashed, his tongue delving deeper, his nose nudging against your clitâ
And it was too much.
Your whole body arched, your thighs shaking around his head as you cameâ
And Namjoon?
He just groaned, lapping up every drop, fucking you through your orgasm like he was starving for you.
And when you finally collapsed, panting, trembling beneath himâ
Namjoon just grinned.
"Oh, babyâŠ" His voice was wrecked, his lips glistening as he pulled back. "I hope youâre not too tiredâŠâ
Namjoon unbuckled his beltâ
And holy fuck.
Your eyes widened. "J-Joonâ!"
He just grinned, his big hands pulling you up onto shaky legs. "Whatâs wrong, darling?" His deep voice was low, teasing as he pushed his pants down. "Getting shy now?"
Your throat went dry. "Joonâ!"
Because fuck.
He was huge.
Thick, heavy, his tip already leaking as he wrapped a hand around himselfâ
And when he stepped closer, tilting your chin upâ
You knew you were screwed.
"Come here, baby." His thumb brushed over your lips. "Open up."
Your breath hitched. "J-Joonâ!"
But thenâ
He slid inside.
"Ohhh, fuckâ!" Namjoon groaned, his head falling back, his grip tightening in your hair. "Oh, babyâfuckâyour mouth is so fucking perfectâ"
Your throat stretched, tears pricking your eyes as he eased in deeper, his other hand cupping your cheek. "Look at you, sweetheart⊠taking me so wellâ*"
And thenâ
He thrust.
"Oh, fuckâ!" His voice was wrecked, his hips rolling forward, his cock filling your throat. "Shitâlook at youâso pretty choking on my cockâ"
Your nails dug into his thighs, saliva dripping down your chin as he fucked your mouth, his deep groans spilling into the air.
"Fuuuckâmy pretty girlâfuckâ" His hands fisted in your hair, his breath ragged. "Such a filthy little thing, hmm? Letting me fuck your throat before I ruin your sweet little cuntâ"
And thenâ
He pulled out, a string of saliva connecting youâ
And your whole body shook.
"Oh, princessâŠ" His dark gaze raked over your wrecked form. "You look so fucking pretty like this."
And thenâ
He flipped you onto the bed.
"Shhh, babyâŠ" He grinned, his big hands gripping your thighs, spreading them wide. "This is what you wanted, hmm?"
Your breath hitched. "J-Joonâ!"
His cock dragged against your soaked heat, his tip teasing your entrance. "You wanted me to take your virginity, hmm?"
You could barely nod, your body trembling. "Y-Yes, Joonieâpleaseâ!"
Your breath was ragged, your body trembling beneath him as he dragged his cock against your soaked entranceâ
But he still wouldnât give it to you.
Namjoon just smirked.
"Whatâs wrong, baby?" His deep voice was teasing, his big hands tightening on your thighs. "So desperate already?"
Your fingers clawed at his arms, your hips lifting, trying to get him insideâ
But he just chuckled, rolling his hips slowly, his thick tip teasing your clit.
"Oh, my sweet girlâŠ" His voice was dark, gravelly, his cock dragging over your folds. "Youâre so wet for me⊠look at you.*"
Your whole body burned. "J-Joonâ!"
And thenâ
He pressed in.
"Ohhh, fuckâ!"
Your back arched, your nails digging into his bicepsâ
But just as you got a tasteâ
He pulled out.
He just grinned, his lips brushing your jaw. "Not yet, babyâŠ"
"MmmâŠ" His teeth grazed your throat, his cock teasing your entrance again. "I donât know, sweet heartâŠ" His breath was hot against your ear. "Do you deserve it?"
"YESâ!" Your voice was desperate, your body shaking. "Please, Joonieâplease, pleaseâ!"
And thenâ
He thrust.
Your whole body jerked, your mouth falling open as he filled you inch by inch, stretching you wide.
Namjoon let out a low groan, his forehead pressing to yours. "Oh, darlingâŠ" His voice was wrecked, his big hands gripping your waist. "You feel so fucking goodâ"
And thenâ
He pulled out.
"Shhh, my good girlâŠ" His thumb brushed over your swollen lips, his cock dragging against you again. "Iâm gonna make this so good for youâŠ"
And thenâ
He thrust back in.
His hips rolled in deep, stretching you all over again, making your head spin.
And Namjoon?
He just smirked, watching you fall apart.
"Oh, princessâŠ" His voice was low, teasing. "You like it like this, hmm?â
Your breath came in shaky gasps, your fingers clutching at his arms as he rolled his hips slowly into youâ
But he still wouldnât go faster.
Namjoon just grinned.
"Shhh, princessâŠ" His deep voice was low, teasing as he dragged his cock out inch by inchâ
Then pushed back in at the same agonizing pace.
"Ohhh, fuckâ!"
Your head thrashed against the pillow, your body arching into him, trying to make him go deeperâ
But he just chuckled, his big hands gripping your waist, holding you still.
"So desperate, fuckâŠ" His lips brushed against your ear. "But I wanna take my time with you."
And thenâ
"Ohhh, fuckâ!"
Your whole body jerked, your breath catching in your throat as a shock of pleasure shot through youâ
And Namjoon?
He felt it.
His lips curled, his voice dark. "Oh, baby⊠you feel that?" His hips rolled slowly into you again. "Right there?"
Your nails dug into his back, your thighs shaking as he brushed that perfect spot againâ
And then he did it again.
"MmmâŠ" His tongue dragged over your throat, his cock pushing against that same spot, over and over. "So fucking tight, princess⊠squeezing me so goodâ"
"Please what, baby?" His voice was gravelly, teasing as he rocked into you slowly, letting you feel every inch. "You want me to go faster?"
"MmmâŠ" He grinned, his big hands pinning you down. "I donât know, honey⊠you sound so pretty like thisâŠâ
Your whole body shook, your voice breaking as he rolled his hips into youâ
Just a little faster, still dragging against that spot every time.
He slowly fastened his pace more and more, making his thrusts more intense as he fucked you.
"Ohhh, fuckâbabyâ" Namjoon groaned, his deep voice wrecked, his big hands tightening on your thighs. "Youâre so fucking perfectâ"
And thenâ
His hand slid between you, his fingers finding your clitâ
And when he rubbed in slow, tight circlesâ
Your back arched, your breath catching in your throat.
"Ohhh, princessâŠ" His lips curled against your jaw. "You like that, hmm?â
âLike being my cocksleeve?â
You could barely nod, your whole body trembling. "J-Joonâ!"
And thenâ
His mouth latched onto your nipple.
Your fingers fisted in his hair, your legs wrapping around him as he sucked hard, his tongue flicking against youâ
All while he kept fucking you, his thick cock hitting that spot over and over, his fingers rubbing your clit just rightâ
Until you were screaming his name.
"Ohhh, princessâŠ" His voice was dark, teasing as he rolled his hips deeper, sucking your nipple harder. "Let me hear you, honeyâŠâ
Your whole body jerked, your voice breaking as he rubbed your clit just rightâ
His cock dragging against that spot over and overâ
Until you felt it.
The build-up. The heat. The way your whole body tightenedâ
And just when you were about to burstâ
He stopped.
Your breath came in ragged gasps, your body trembling, your fingers gripping his armsâ
But Namjoon?
He just smirked.
"MmmâŠ" His voice was teasing, his lips brushing your ear. "Not yet, darlingâŠ"
And before you could begâ
He flipped you over.
Your back pressed against his chest, his big arms locking around you, pulling you upâ
And thenâ
Your legs were spread wide, your body completely open to him, his strong arms trapping you in a full nelson.
"Ohhh, my pretty girlâŠ" His breath was hot against your ear, his fingers digging into your thighs. "You look so fucking pretty like thisâŠ"
And thenâ
He thrust.
Your whole body arched, your breath choking in your throat as he slammed back into youâ
Deeper. Harder.
His hips rolling into you at a punishing pace, his cock hitting that spot over and over, sending shockwaves through youâ
While his fingers rubbed your clit relentlessly.
"Ohhh, sweetheartâŠ" His voice was wrecked, his grip tightening. "You gonna cum for me now? Hmm?â
Your whole body shook, your voice breaking as he slammed into youâ
Deep. Hard.
His hips rolling at a brutal pace, his cock dragging against that spot over and overâ
"Ohhh, babyâŠ" His breath was hot against your ear, his deep voice wrecked. "You feel that? Hitting you right thereâ"
"Mmm⊠I can feel you, princess⊠youâre so fucking close, arenât you?"
Your fingers clawed at his arms, your whole body trembling in his holdâ
And thenâ
His fingers rubbed your clit harder.
A shockwave ripped through you, your head snapping back onto his shoulder, your breath choking in your throatâ
And then you broke.
Your whole body jerked, your legs shaking as you came around himâ
So hard that your walls clenched tight, your slick coating his cock, a milky ring forming around the base.
And Namjoon?
He saw it.
And he groaned.
"Ohhh, fuckâlook at you, babyâŠ" His deep voice was gravelly, his fingers tightening on your thighs. "You came all over me⊠so fucking prettyâ"
"MmmâŠ" His lips curled, his hips still rolling into you, dragging his cock through your orgasm, making you feel every inch. "You think Iâm done with you, pretty?â
Your whole body jerked, your breath still coming in ragged gasps as he dragged his cock through your aftershocksâ
And thenâ
He flipped you over.
Your back hit the mattress, your body still trembling, your limbs still weakâ
And before you could even catch your breathâ
He grabbed your thighs, pushing them deep against your chest.
You were folded beneath him, your legs spread wide, your body completely open to himâ
And thenâ
"Ohhh, princessâŠ" His voice was low, teasing, his dark eyes locked onto you. "Youâre gonna take it all, hmm?"
And thenâ
He thrust.
Your breath choked in your throat, your back arching off the bedâ
Because fuck.
He was deep.
So deep that you could feel him in your stomach, so deep that it felt like he was in your soul.
"Ohhh, darlingâŠ" Namjoon groaned, his grip tightening on your thighs as he rolled his hips, dragging his cock slowly out before slamming back in. "This is where you want me, huh? This deep?*"
And thenâ
"MmmâŠ" His lips curled, his hips snapping into you at a brutal pace. "Youâre taking me so well, my good girl⊠look at youâ"
You could barely think, your whole body shaking with each deep, hard thrust, his cock pounding that spot inside you so perfectlyâ
You were soaked, your whole body trembling as he slammed into you, his cock hitting that spot over and overâ
And thenâ
"Ohhh, darlingâŠ" His deep voice was gravelly, his big hand cupping your throat as his other hand slid lower. "Look at you, my sweet little thingâŠ"
And thenâ
Your whole body jerked as his hand came down hard on your clitâ
A sharp shock of pleasure-pain making you clench around him.
"Mmm⊠Thatâs my good girl. Now count for me."
His cock was still pounding into you, his voice still praising you, his hand spanking your clit over and overâ
Until you broke.
Your whole body arched, your head snapping back as you cameâ
So hard your eyes rolled back, your walls clenching around him, your slick coating his cock.
And Namjoon?
"Ohhh, sweetheartâŠ" He groaned, his grip tightening on your thighs. "That was so fucking prettyâŠ"
But he wasnât done.
"Mmm⊠Get up here, darling⊠I wanna see you."
And before you could catch your breathâ
He flipped you over.
Now you were on top, your legs shaky as you straddled himâ
But Namjoon?
He grinned.
"Come on, sweetheartâŠ" His voice was low, his big hands gripping your waist. "Ride me."
You tried.
But you were too weak, your body still wrecked from your orgasmâ
And Namjoon?
He smirked.
"Mmm⊠Thatâs not good enough, honeyâŠ"
And thenâ
His hands gripped your waist tightâ
And he slammed you down.
You screamed, your whole body jerking as he fucked up into you, forcing you to ride him, using you to chase his highâ
And when you got too weakâ
His big hand spanked your ass, his other hand gripping your throat.
"Mmm⊠You wanna be my good girl, hmm?*" His voice was wrecked, his cock still thrusting up into you. "Then youâre gonna take it all.â
You were wrecked, your whole body shaking as he slammed you down on his cock, his hips still thrusting up into youâ
"Mmm⊠Thatâs it, darlingâŠ" His deep voice was gravelly, his grip tight on your waist, his big hands controlling you. "Take it all, hmm? Let me use youâ"
You couldnât even think, couldnât even breatheâ
Your eyes were rolling back, your soft tits bouncing with every deep, hard thrustâ
And fuck.
He loved this sight.
"Ohhh, princessâŠ" His breath was hot against your ear, his deep voice wrecked. "Look at you⊠so pretty like this, hmm? So dumb on my cockâ"
"Mmm⊠Thatâs my sweet girl, hmm?*" His big hand gripped your throat, tilting your chin up so he could see your fucked-out face. "My perfect little fucktoyâ"
And thenâ
"Ohhh, sweetheartâfuckâ!"
His hips snapped up one last time, his grip tightening on youâ
And he came.
You felt it, felt his cock throb inside you, felt him fill you upâ
Deep. Deep inside you.
So much that you could feel it dripping out, so hot that it made you shudder in his hold.
And Namjoon?
"Mmm⊠Thatâs it, sweetheartâŠ" His deep voice was low, his hips still rolling into you, making you feel every last drop. "Take it all.â
You were soaked, still dripping with his cum, your whole body shaking in his armsâ
And thenâ
"MmmâŠ" Namjoon grinned, his deep voice teasing. "Iâm not done with you yet, darlingâŠ"
And before you could even catch your breathâ
He flipped you over.
Now you were upside down, your legs draped over his shoulders, your head tilted against his lapâ
And thenâ
"Mmm, sweetheartâŠ" His voice was low, his big hands spreading your thighs wide. "Look at this messy little pussyâŠ"
And thenâ
His tongue dragged through your folds.
"Mmm⊠Youâre so sweet, babyâŠ" His deep voice was wrecked, his tongue lapping at your soaked, wrecked pussy, savoring the creampie he just gave you. "Tasting myself on you like thisâfuckâ"
You could barely think, your whole body jerking as he devoured you, his big hands holding your hips stillâ
And thenâ
"Mmm, sweetheartâŠ" His cock pressed against your lips. "You wanna be my good girl again?"
You nodded, your lips parting, taking him deep into your mouthâ
And Namjoon?
"Ohhh, fuckâ" His deep groan vibrated against your pussy, his cock throbbing against your tongue. "Thatâs it, baby⊠Take me deepâ"
You hollowed your cheeks, your throat relaxing as his hips snapped up, fucking your mouth just as thoroughly as he fucked your pussyâ
And when you whimpered, when you moaned around himâ
He sucked hard on your clit.
And thenâ
"Ohhh, sweetheartâfuckâ"
His hips jerked, his breath raggedâ
And he came.
Hot. Deep down your throat.
And you?
You swallowed every last drop.
"Mmm⊠Thatâs my good girl, hmm?" His deep voice was sweet, his big hands stroking your body as he gently flipped you back overâ
And thenâ
He kissed you.
"SweetheartâŠ" His voice was soft now, his lips pressing against your temple, his arms holding you close. "You did so well for me, hmm?"
You whimpered, your whole body still buzzingâ
And Namjoon?
"Mmm⊠Letâs get you cleaned up, princessâŠ"
He just smiled.
Because fuck.
He adored you.
#bts smut#bts x reader#park jimin#jimin smut#fluff#namjoon#bts army#bts jin#bts jungkook#fantasy#namjoon smut#kim namjoon#bts smau#bts scenarios#namjoon scenarios#namjoon x reader#namjoon x y/n#namjoon x you#big tiddy committee
268 notes
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#beautiful women#feminineflavors#thicc girls#thicc women#thicc af#thick babe#mature woman#big tiddy committee#huge bewbs#bewbage#nice bewbs#hot bewbs#big tiddy gf#nice tiddies#latina baddie#latin beauties#thicc latina#latina goddess#so juicy#soft and sexy#super thick#so soft#kim velez
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Obsessed with the new Scott Pilgrim show (I havent watched it yet I just saw they made Kim gay as fuck!!!!!)
#artists on tumblr#artwork#digital art#big tiddy gf#scott pilgrim#kim pine#scott pilgram takes off#scott pilgram vs the world#SnoofArts
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Sorry yâall but I just know the back shots would be toe curling
#big matthew#kard#big tiddy committee#matthew kim#kim matthew#bm kard#kard bm#big matthew x reader#kpop#black kpop stans#K-pop Stan
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Found a few more wallpapers from the official site whilst sorting - no editing this time though đ
#the bill#chris jarvis#dan casper#aml ameen#lewis hardy#gary lucy#will fletcher#emma keane#melanie gutteridge#honey harman#kim tiddy#leela kapoor#seema bowri
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Trouble Double in Paradise - Part one
Soft Dom Top SAN & Dom Top BM x Sub Reader (3,600 Words) Reader Speaking = Orange BM Speaking = Blue San Speaking = Pink
List of the fun stuff: Double penetration, Tag Teaming, Spit Roasting, Throat fucking, Rough/Hard sex, Phone sex, Praise/Degrading, Caught, Manhandling, Size Difference, Dumbification, Oral Fixation, fingering, Overwhelming pleasure used as interrogation, Reader very often gets called "puppy", "puppyboy" "pup" etc, Not really Petplay though, Slight Humiliation (mostly in the form of degrading), Bad cop BM Good cop SAN dynamic, Passionate kissing (San & BM Make out)
The bedroom was dimly lit, the only source of light being your phone screen as it was resting on your pillow next to you. Your hand was wrapped around your aching cock, slick and pulsing in your hand as Sanâs voice purred through the speaker again. His tone was rich, sexy, fucking addicting. the kind of voice that could get you all hot and bothered in just a few words.
âBet youâre so fucking hard right now, huh?â he spoke, the sound of his own slick-wet strokes clearly audible, âAll worked up âcause of me? Sucha good boy⊠letting me get you all stupid with just my voice.â
A shiver ran down your spine, your hips bucking up into you fist instinctively as his words settled into your head making you dizzy. âSan-â you gasped, his name breaking off into a moan as you squeezed the base of your cock, trying to hold off your orgasm just a little longer.
San let out a deep chuckle, the sound sending a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you. âOh, baby⊠you sound so fucking pretty. You gonna cum for me? Gonna make a mess all over yourself?â His breath was hastening, you could tell he was close too. âWish I could see you⊠all fucked out and needy. Come over next time baby.. please, Iâll have you on your knees for me, begging for my cock like the desperate little boy you are.â
You whined, head falling back against the pillow, your were on the verge of breaking. The world outside of this moment was completely forgotten to your dumb mind, drowned out by the filth spilling from Sanâs mouth and the feeling of an orgasm quickly building.
But just then...
The sound of the footsteps quickly climbing up the stairs.
Your breath stopped, panic shooting through you as you scrambled to end the call. SHIT wrong button, you had only muted yourself and It was too late to try hang up now. The door flew open. There stood Matthew your giant 6 foot 1 boyfriend built like a beast and panting like one, leaning up against the doorframe with a genuine look of concern on his face. "Jesus baby, are you ok? i heard some weird noises coming from-" "Fuck puppy did you cum already?" The phone screen lit up as san cooed his little praise.
BM knew exactly who you were talking to the moment he heard that voice.
âWhat the fuck. Are you fucking kidding me?" BMâs voice was sharp. Your heart dropped, you were burning with shame as you scrambled around the bed trying to gather your clothes.
BM just stood there, but by god, even stood motionless you could tell he was fucking livid.
In that moment a heap of emotions came rushing to him possessiveness, jealousy, and also... the unshakable need to remind you exactly who you belonged to.
He stepped forward, jaw clenched tight as his gaze flickered to the phone still on the bed, Sanâs name was still glowing on the screen.
BMâs lips curled into a smirk, there seemed to be some kind of humor in it for him, like it was some kinda game, a prank you were playing. âSo thatâs how you wanna play, huh?â he said, stepping closer, his hands already working at his belt. âYou wanna get off to someone elseâs voice? Wanna act like Iâm not the one who's name you scream every night huh? fuckin 'puppy'?! is that the shit you're into now?â
Your pulse pounded in your ears, your mind scrambling for an excuse, anything to defuse the situation.
BM didnât give you the chance. He yanked you forward, flipping you onto your stomach with ease. He kicked his jeans off, the sound of his metallic belt hitting the floor making your heart race/
He then shoved you right down onto your stomach, his large hands gripping your hips to keep you in place. one of BM's hands shot next to your head, grabbing the phone, he hung up.
BM proceeded by throwing the phone to the side and sliding his fingers in-between your parted lips, pressing them down on your tongue. âThatâs it,â he murmured, watching your mouth eagerly suck and coat them in slick warmth. âSuch a fucking slut, always so desperate to have something in your mouth, huh?â He pulled them free with a wet pop.
You felt his wet fingers trailing down your spine until they were right above your hole. His touch was torturously teasing as he traced the rim before pushing a finger inside, he was so fucking slow and deliberate. You gasped, hips jerking at the intrusion, but BM held you down with his free hand, keeping you still.
âLook at you, already so fucking open for me,â he muttered, curling his finger just right, pressing against that sweet spot inside you âDid he have you touching yourself like this? Stuffing yourself full of your own fingers, wishing it was his cock?â
Your face burned, but BM didnât stop. A second finger joined the first, stretching you, scissoring inside as he hummed in approval. âBet you let him say all sorts of nasty shit to you, didnât you?â
You whined, trying to bury your face in the sheets, but BM wasnât having it. His hand moved to your hip, landing a sharp slap against your ass that made you jolt. âAnswer me.â
âY- yes,â you stammered, voice muffled. âHe⊠he talks dirty.â
BMâs fingers twisted inside you, making your back arch. âYeah? What does he say?â
You hesitated, your face and chest turning red, but the way BM was working you open had you too fucked-out already to think straight. Every push of his fingers against your prostate made your walls clench around them, made your mouth part in another pathetic breathless little whimper. You couldn't hold back.
âH-he calls me pretty,â you admitted, voice barely above a whisper.
BM hummed, fingers pressing deeper, slower. âYeah? What else?â
Your thighs trembled. âTells me I sound good for himâŠâ
BM clicked his tongue, unimpressed. âThatâs all?â
Your breath stuttered. Your mind was hazy, but BM wasnât going to let you get away with obvious half-truths. His fingers curled inside you again, grinding against that sweet spot until you were fucking losing it. Your back was arched, hips pushing back instinctively.
âFuck- okay! He- ah- he tells me to beg for him.â
BMâs hand landed sharply against your ass again, making you yelp. âC'mon, Beg for what baby? What do you say to him?â
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, your throat dry from panting. âI⊠I beg for him to let me cum to his voice,â you confessed âTo let me choke on him when we meet"
BM groaned at that, his cock twitching against your thigh. But he wasnât satisfied. He wanted more.
âWhat else?â he pressed, fingers pumping faster, making you shake beneath him.
Your stomach clenched. You were feeling intense shame, but your body kept betraying you, tightening around BMâs fingers, practically begging him for more. âHe- he makes me touch myself while calling me names,â you admitted, biting down on your lip. âTells me Iâm his needy little thing, his filthy fucktoy, his perfect hole.â
BM exhaled harshly through his nose. âJesus,â he muttered, like he couldnât believe what he was hearing. His fingers slowed, teasing now, and it only made your desperation worse.
âAnd?â he prompted.
You swallowed, eyes fluttering shut. âHe makes me spit on my cock, Tells me to fuck my fist like itâs his dick I'm stroking.. to hump my pillow like a stupid, desperate slut. Makes me send him videos- fuck- makes me edge myself âtil Iâm crying.â
BM paused and then let out chuckle, fingers still inside you. His free hand moved up to tangle in your hair, yanking your head back just enough for his lips to graze your ear.
âThat so?â he murmured. âAnd did you listen, 'puppy'?
A whimper spilled from your lips before you could stop it. BM smirked.
âYeah,â he found this very ammusing. âYou did, didnât you?â
BM added a third finger with no warning. You gasped, your body tensing at the added stretch, but he didnât let up. âYou like begging, huh? Is that why you sound so needy right now? Want him to fuck you so bad youâll say anything he wants?â
You bit your lip again, nodding frantically. BM withdrew his fingers slowly, making you whimper at the sudden emptiness.
âCall him back.â
Your brows furrowed. âW- what?â
âCall. Him. Back,â he repeated, voice authoritative. âLet him hear how you sound when you're actually fuckedâ
Your fingers trembled as you reached for the phone, unlocking it with a swipe. The moment you hit the call button, BMâs hands were on you, spreading you open as he lined himself up. The dial tone rang once- twice
Then San picked up.
âMissed me already, baby?â His voice was smug as usual âWhat happened earlier handsome? You just hung up on me and-.â His voice faltered, suddenly registering the muffled sounds in the background- the heavy breathing, the slick, obscene noises, the sharp gasp that escaped your lips as BM sank into you in one deep, claiming thrust.
A beat of silence.
BM smirked, grabbing the phone off of you bed and pressing it to his own ear, his other hand gripping your waist as he dragged his cock out, only to slam back in, knocking the breath from your lungs.
âCâmon over, Sannie,â BM rasped, voice thick with amusement. âThis is your chance. I wanna show you how you really pleasure a lilâ slut.â He pulled your hips back roughly, angling his thrusts so perfectly that your moans became outright pornographic.
BM also started to let out over-the-top moans as he started rolling his hips deeper, watching you fall apart in his hands. âBetter- ah- be quick, though- fuck-,â he added, voice purposefully stuttered with low, heavy groaning. âHe might already be fucked-out by the time you get here.â
Sanâs breath was harsh on the other end of the line, it didnât take long for him to speak. His voice dropped low âYou really think Iâm gonna let you have all the fun?â âKeep him nice and warmed up for me- Iâm on my way.â
BM was pleased, tossing he phone onto the bed. His grip on your waist tightened as he picked up the pace, each deep thrust sending sparks up your spine. âYou hear that, baby? Youâre in for a long night.â
Time blurred after that. Your body trembled under BMâs relentless pace, the room filled with the sound of his balls and crotch slapping against your ass over and over. Your own breathless whimpers mixing with his low groans.
You were already beyond being on the edge, you were practically teetering on exhaustion by now, when the bedroom door slammed open.
San stood in the doorway, chest rising and falling rapidly, eyes locked onto you- flushed, wrecked, struggling to hold yourself up under BMâs weight. His tongue darted out to wet his lips. âShitâŠâ
BM slowed just enough to glance over his shoulder. His look was practically a challenge. âTook you long enough.â He pulled out, flipping you onto your back with ease. âCâmon then, letâs see what you got.â
San wasted no time. He was on you in seconds, his touch was so different from BMâs- it really was soothing where BM's felt punishing, His fingers traced over your burning skin, his lips pressing soft, teasing kisses along your neck and jaw. âYou doing okay, baby?â he murmured, brushing sweaty strands of hair from your face.
Before you could answer, BM scoffed. âOh, donât go all soft on him now. He likes it rough, donât you, puppy boy?â His hand wrapped around your throat, tilting your head up until you had no choice but to meet his gaze.
BM let out a sharp laugh as he caught your cock twitching against your stomach in the corner of his eye. Both of the men started glancing down just in time to see your tip drool, a fresh little puddle forming. âOh, fuck- did you just leak all over yourself from that?â
His grip on your throat tightened, just enough to make your breath stutter. âJesus. Thatâs all it takes? One little nickname and youâre already making a mess?â His tone mocking eyes flicking between your flushed face and your twitching cock.
San smirked, blood rushing to his now semi-hard cock. âIt's his magic wordâ
BMâs lips curled into a devilish grin as he looked down at you, completely and utterly submissive beneath him. âThat right, pup?â He dragged the words out slowly, purposefully, watching as another bead of pre-cum welled at the tip of your cock. He let out a dramatic scoff, his head shaking side to side. âPathetic. Fucking pathetic.â
San, whistled lowly. âDamn, baby. You really do love it, huh? All it takes is one little âpuppy boyâ and you start leaking like a desperate bitch in heat. I mean I knew it got you all hot over the phone but I never realized it actually drove you this crazyâ He cocked his head at BM, stupidly giggling like a teenage girl. âThis is the best shit Iâve ever seen.â
BM clicked his tongue, fingers moving around your jaw, adjusting you gaze up to san who was still towering over you. âGo on, pup,â he cooed mockingly, thumbing at your spit-slick lips. "Thank San for teaching me that new wordâ
San climbed off you and sat back onto the mattress, spreading his legs in that cocky, confident way that made your stomach flip. He didnât say a word- just gave you a knowing look, tilting his chin ever so slightly. Fuck.
âCâmon, baby.â His voice was all smooth and innocent. Coaxing you over. âShow me how much you appreciate me.â
Your hand trembled, reaching for the waistband of his sweats. Slowly, carefully, you peeled them down, eyes fluttering at the way his cock twitched, slapping against his abs- it was so thick, already glistening at the tip. You swallowed, hands ghosting up his thighs, taking in every inch of his beautiful, sculpted body.
âFuck⊠youâre so perfect,â you murmured, voice still barely above a whisper as you dipped your head down, placing soft kisses along the sharp cut of his hip bone.
San hummed in approval, his fingers threading gently through your hair, encouraging you. But just as you started trailing your lips lower, savoring the feeling of his warm skin under your tongue-
A sharp slap landed on your ass, jolting you forward.
âNone of that slow teasin' shit,â BMâs voice was a low and commanding. âYou know damn well how to worship a cock properly. Get to it.â
You gasped, blinking up at San in wide-eyed desperation. He shot BM a glare, fingers tightening in your hair protectively. âHyung-seriously?â
BM only scoffed again, he was now standing next to the bed, just right behind you âWhat? You know Iâm the one in charge here.â His eyes flicked down to you âAnd he knows better than to make me wait.â
San rolled his eyes but didnât argue. Instead, he sighed, bringing his gaze back down to you. âIgnore him, baby- you're doing such a good-â
BM cut him off with a laugh. âLike hell he will.â
You decided to not take your chances getting your already sore, red, ass getting slapped again, but just as your lips wrapped around the head of Sanâs cock something caught you by surprise..
BM had moved closer and he had now reached for San, grabbing the back of his neck and yanking him in, crushing their lips together in a rough, dizzying kiss.
San let out a muffled noise of surprise- half protest, half pleasure- but BM didnât give him a chance to react. His tongue forced its way into Sanâs mouth, claiming him.
It was fucking filthy.
The way BM groaned into San's mouth, the way Sanâs moans spilled right against BMâs tounge, they were kissing like they were starving for each other.
The sight almost made you cum on the spot. You whined around Sanâs cock, the vibrations making him shudder. His fingers tightened in your hair as he melted into the kiss.
San suddenly gasped for breath as BM pulled back. His lips were slick with saliva, His chest rose and fell in heavy pants as he hovered over San- eyes half-lidded. It was clear he wasn't gonna wait long before diving back in
âFuck,â BM murmured, âYou don't understand how long I've been waiting to do that shi-"
San was already leaking, his hips jerking up involuntarily, pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. He let out a breathless, shaky laugh looking up at BM. âShit⊠that was so fucking hot,â he muttered, his head falling tilting back. His fingers twitched in your hair, hips jerking up involuntarily as you swallowed him deeper.
BM smirked, his thumb swiping over Sanâs spit-slick lips. âYeah? Wouldâve done it a hell of a lot sooner if I knew you were a fuckin' fag too.â His voice was low, teasing, but there was certainly a rough edge to it.
San's lips parted like he was about to fire something back, but BM didnât give him the chance- he was already diving back in.
And just like that, San was caught between the both of you, Every mouth was busy with one another's- Sanâs cock filling your throat while BM devoured his mouth, both of them completely lost in each other.
You instantly started leaking another wave of pre-cum. The way BM spoke to San. Fuck. You half-wished it was you, while thinking you had half forgotten you were meant to be 'thanking' San and you'd just been hovering your head over his aching cock for quite a while.
BM barely notices at first, too lost in the messy heat of Sanâs mouth, but then he opens his eyes and sees you sitting there like a little fucking idiot staring at them like youâre waiting for permission or something.
He pulls away from sans lips and quickly shoves the hand that was originally on san's jaw into your hair overtaking where San had been lightly holding you. He grips your hair, fingers tight at the roots, yanking you forward. The force drives you straight down. You instinctually open your mouth right before Sanâs cock was slamming into your throat in one brutal motion.
San moans like a filthy fuckin whore, the sound so desperate that bm even let out a little "fuck-" BM was getting achingly hard but don't get it twisted, his focus was all on you now-
One thing about BM is that he certainly doesnât let up. He keeps his grip tight in your hair, starts using your head like a fleshlight on Sanâs cock, dragging you up only to push you right back down. He watches with a big fucking cocky smile on his face as Sanâs face twists, his lips parting in helpless gasps, his hands shaking on the matress where they held him up.
âSee, you just can't hold back,â BM murmurs again, clearly amused by sans reaction to your throat. âHeâs made for this.âHe forces you down again to really punctuate his point.
San is spilling broken moans and then... his fingers finally grip your skull replacing BM's. San's big hands are now guiding you into a slow, steady rhythm. âFuck, just like that, baby. That mouth- goddamn.â
BM, still looming beside you two had developed an absolutely shit eating grin watching you struggle to take all of Sanâs length. âCmon now, bet you could go deeper then that,â his hand pressing against the back of your head. your throat clenching around Sanâs tip.
San let out a sharp hiss, his thighs tensing beneath you. âFuck, Matt- Iâ
âWhat? donât like seeing him like this?â "Getting his throat stretched out on your cock?â
San groaned, head falling back, his jaw clenching as he tried to keep control. âNah, I fucking love it,â he muttered, breathless, his abs flexing as you swallowed around him again.
BM leaned in, whispering into San's ear. âThen letâs see how much he can really take.â
BMâs grip tightened on the back of your head, forcing you down right into San's clean shaven crotch, stuffing your mouth full of his now throbbing cock.
The sudden stretch had you gagging, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, but BM didn't give a fuck. He held you there, making you take it, making you feel every inch pulsing down your throat.
San cursed under his breath, his thighs trembling. His hands fisted in the sheets, his restraint barely hanging on. âJesus Christ,â he groaned, voice wrecked. âHeâs gonna make me- fuck.â
BM laughed, âYeah? You gonna cum for him already?â He grinned, pressing a kiss to Sanâs neck. âGo on then. Give him his reward.â
San didnât need to be told twice. His hips snapped up, his breath stuttering as he finally let go, spilling wave after wave of hot sticky cum down your throat with loud filthy broken moans to boot. His fingers trembled in your hair, his whole body going tense as pleasure crashed through him.
You swallowed around him, throat working while being coated, taking and swallowing every drop off cum he gave you. When he finally eased you off, you gasped for breath, lips slick, eyes glassy.
BM looked down at you, his thumb swiping up the mess on your chin and pushing it back in you mouth. "Shiii baby- you did a good job"
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Kim Velez
#big tiddy gf#big natural breasts#huge natural breasts#huge tiddies#big tiddy wife#big tiddy committee#beautiful areolasđ„”#mommy milkers#massive milkers#kim velez
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Trigger Warning: Discussion of rape.
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 229
Gina drops in for a few minutes before her official return after her and Jonathan went on an African Safari just to check that everything is OK and to see if there's anything she needs to deal with immediately.
She hears shouts coming from the canteen and hurries through in time to see Cameron beating the living daylights out of Gabriel after he taunts him about raping Kerry. Gina breaks it apart and threatens both with arrest.
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 230
Gina tries to get Gabriel to drop charges against Cameron for his attack. Cameron isn't exactly helpful as he will only tell Gina that it's a private matter. Gabriel claims he doesn't know why Cameron assaulted him and he wants him kicked out. Kerry tells Cameron that Gabriel has the CCTV tape that shows Cameron distract her from the victim in the armed robbery who had the bomb strapped to him. It shows her take her attention from the victim to shout Cameron back - and then the explosion. That is why she didn't report the rape the day before like she'd told Cameron she was going to.

Jonathan works with Sam and the CID officers to build the case against Serial Rapist Alan Kennedy. He tells Sam that they need more than the basic forensic evidence (soil sample and boot print matching one of Kennedy's) to have a charge authorised. One of Kennedy's victims caught a glimpse of him and Sam hopes that she can pick him up through an ID parade. Kerry says that Khadijah isn't strong enough and - when Sam visits her - it's clear that she's far too fragile to be involved.

The first chance they get, Jonathan and Gina meet up outside to catch up on how their days are going - with Gina playfully telling Jonathan off for smoking because he was giving up. He tells her about Khadijah and she tells him about Gabriel. "I thought he was the aggrieved party?" he asks. "Just because he's not guilty of one thing doesn't mean he's not guilty of another." Gina sighs. Jonathan teases her about being a die hard police officer and she points out being innocent and being proved innocent are two different matters. "Cut you in half and is says 'Evenin' all' right the way through does it?"

Gina asks Kerry what the fight was about. She says she has no idea. Gina tells her Cameron would be right there for her if she needed him to be and asks where her loyalty is. Gabriel taunts Kerry in the women's locker room so she marches out to tell Gina that he raped her. Gabriel continues to mock her as he follows her, claiming it'd just be her 'crying rape again' and that he has the video of what really happened at the armed robbery. Kerry insists she doesn't care anymore and it's about protecting Cameron. "Sacrifice yourself for Pretty Boy? You ain't got the bottle." he snarls. "Just watch me!"
As Kerry is about to confess all to Gina, Sam and Jonathan arrive with Khadijah who has gotten up the courage to try and identify her rapist. Unfortunately, Khadijah catches sight of Gabriel and freaks out. In Gina's office, Kerry bluffs that a picture of Gabriel from a poster she'd been making to commemorate a party had accidentally fallen from her bag mid-talk with Khadijah and she saw it and got the wrong idea. The truth is that after Gabriel raped her, Kerry suspected Gabriel was the serial rapist and showed Khadijah the picture to see if she recognised him. Gabriel tells them he spoke to Khadijah when she was in hospital and she'd have recognised him from there. Kerry is bollocked by Sam and Gina and told that identification was the only strong link they could have gotten to put Kennedy in the frame. When asked what she has to say for herself and with Gabriel smugly smirking at her, Kerry has to take it all and keep quiet.

Gina senses something's wrong with Jonathan. Kennedy was a City high flyer until he was accused of indecent assault. It was Jonathan who defended him. He blames himself for putting a serial rapist back on the streets. He tells her that Kennedy quite obviously enjoyed the circus of the trial and the legal loopholes that Jonathan used to defend him and seeing his victim humiliated all over again. Jonathan has a daughter the same age as a missing child who it's suspected could be another victim. "I can't help thinking "What if it was her?"

Gabriel confronts Kerry for showing Khadijah his picture, thinking she was setting him up. Kerry simply says that he raped her so why not the rest of them - she had to know if it was him. Gabriel calls her a stupid bitch and advances on her. Kerry grabs a glass bottle from the table and smashes it, holding it out towards Gabriel. He says he'd never take women off the street and rape and cut them like Kennedy. Kerry scoffs "Oh that's bad is it? What you did to me? How's that different? Good rape, bad rape...? Maybe you could explain it to me because I'm a little bit confused right now." For weeks he'd been telling her that it's no big deal whilst she's felt dirty and empty whilst trying to drink herself to sleep each night and hoping she wouldn't wake up in the morning and hating herself for being weak. She tells him there's only so far someone can be pushed before they can't be hurt anymore and she's at that point. If he ever goes near her again she promises him that she will kill him.

Gina confronts Gabriel later in the canteen. "You said we don't see eye to eye, you and I. Well the truth is, I've always seen you as a conniving, scheming and ultimately selfish little toerag. But I'm giving you a chance to prove me wrong...." she says before suggesting a compromise to save Cameron's job. He agrees without hearing what it is. "I don't really care anymore." he says, walking off.

Cameron and Kerry have a heart to heart that gets interrupted by Honey. It breaks the reconciliatory mood (there'd been something brewing between them whilst the two were apart). Cameron gets a call which leads to Kennedy being found and Cameron arresting him. "At least that's one rapist scum off the streets." he says in response to being congratulated, staring threateningly at Gabriel as he does. Gina tells Cameron if he tells her what the fight is about, she'll write a report full of mitigating circumstances and he'll keep his job. Cameron says he can't tell her and he realises it will cost him his job so he's booked a flight home to Sydney that night, resigning with immediate effect.
Honey tells Kerry that Cameron is leaving and she runs off to find him, literally chasing his cab and begging him to stop. He does and they talk with Kerry learning that the mother of his child is taking their daughter over and he doesn't say no when she suggests they might get back together down the line. He'll only get back together with her if she comes out with him to Australia and won't stay - even for a few more weeks. They share a kiss and he gets back into his taxi and leaves her behind.
Even as someone who isn't Kerry's biggest fan - how many bloody times can one girl be kicked in the face in just one episode?!
#the bill#roberta taylor#gina gold#smiffina#smiffinalong#ginathon#larry lamb#jonathan fox#cameron tait#daniel macpherson#gabriel kent#todd carty#kerry young#beth cordingly#honey harman#kim tiddy#episode 229#episode 230
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Position: THE ultimate switch But you gotta fight for it , play-wrestling style. Trust me when I say he's competitive, you'll be pinning him down, only for him to just about flip you over and have his way.
Size: the man is 100% 9 inches, thick, heavy and so fucking hard all the time because just thinking about you gets him worked up. Oh and that large vein running down the side? You feel it drag against your walls with every deep, brutal thrust.
Favourite Kinks:
Flip-Fucking - Doesnât matter whoâs on top. Itâs raw, messy and aggressive. Biting/Marking - Mingyu likes to leave bruises/hickeys on your chest and scratches down his back from when he fucks you stupid. Overall a rough fucker.
Hair-Pulling - Grabs a fistful of your hair mid-thrust to yank your head back and force you to look at him.
Breeding Kink - Filthy, deep growls while he says things like âGonna fill you up, fuck, gonna make you mineâ before he shoves it in deeper. Cockwarming - After a round of messy, desperate sex, he stays inside you, panting against your neck, refusing to pull out. Overstimulation - His favourite thing is fucking you past your limit, watching you shake and beg as he drags another orgasm out of you.
Favourite Position(s): Pinning you down - He wants you under him, struggling, fighting, only to go limp as he fucks you dumb. Wrestling for control - One second heâs pinning you down, the next youâve flipped him over and shoved him against the mattress.
Favorite Body Part:
Your back. He loves watching you struggle, the muscles in your shoulders tensing as you try to fight him off. Your thighs. Bites them, gropes them, spreads them apart just to get a better look at you.
Where: Anywhere with space to wrestle, throw you around, pin you down.
Noise levels:
Loud as fuck. Grunts, moans, deep growls in your ear. âFuck, baby, you feel so good- fuck-â as he loses himself inside you. Whimpers when you take control. he wonât admit it, but when you flip him over and stretch him out? Heâs so fucking weak for it.
Freaky score: 9.5/10. Rough, raw, desperate, but clingy as hell when itâs over. He collapses on top of you, breathless, still deep inside, refusing to let you go.
#big tiddy committee#gay#gay kpop#kpop x reader#male x male#mlm#mingyu#kim mingyu#mingyu x reader#mingyu x you#mingyu x y/n#mingyu x male reader#gay top#gay boy#mingyu seventeen#mingyu smut#kpop x male reader#kpop boys#kpop x you#kpop smut#kpop x y/n
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